Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Greatest Films Directed By Women

Friend, critic, and filmmaker, Scout Tafoya asked me to write a list of the ten greatest (read: my favorite) films directed by women. So I did, and here's what I came up with

Actorly Horror (The Harvest, 2013)

In the September/October 2015 issue of Film Comment, you can find me in the back. I wrote briefly on John McNaughton's return to horror, The Harvest.

An Experimental Filmmaker's On-Screen Exorcisms [On Luther Price]

For Hyperallergic, I wrote about the early works of Luther Price, an artist considered "Brakhage after punk." I'd qualify that, and say Luther Price is Brakhage after noise.

Village Voice Blurbs & Capsules

For this year's "Best of NYC" issue, I wrote three capsules for the following categories:

I also wrote a blurb about an event at Anthology, the book release party for Jane Wodening's book, Brakhage's Childhood (2015).

53rd New York Film Festival